Sunday, April 20, 2014

Get DISNEY INFINITY Play Set Pack - Cars

Get DISNEY INFINITY Play Set Pack - Cars




First of all - excellent game, has kept the kiddos busy and they really love it...

Enter the parental sets, toy box. figurines oh my

Playsets: necessary to enter story mode where you are playing in the figurines world ie: you need that little crystal-looking statue to get there and it is not included with individual figurines

Toybox: alternate mode of playing where you can create things...different figurines have different playing options there.

Figurines: sold as individual pieces or in pairs (Frozen sisters), these complement characters you already own in Story mode and can enter their worlds. (Remember only people from that world can enter their world - no cross world visiting) OR you can use them independently in Toy box mode and everybody can play together depending on your gaming system.

to date the Playsets available that I have found are:

. the starter pack with the worlds of : Monster University, Metropolis (The Incredibles) and The Carribean (from Pirates)

the Cars world

the Toy Story world

the Lone Ranger world

There are many figurines available that I have not found have their corresponding world available yet (12/2013) I am hoping that Disney will make these worlds available soon and that I won't have to repeat purchasing figurines to get that precious little crystal world holding device (cause I won't) :)

So buyer, beware - read your packaging carefully - know what you have, where you can go and what you're expecting to be able to do with it. ie: if you have wii - remember only 1 can play in world mode at a time and only 2 can play in toy box mode at a time. etc... know what your gaming system allows :)