Wednesday, March 12, 2014

NBA 2K14 [Online Game Code]

NBA 2K14 [Online Game Code]




They didn't release ONE update for PC on 2k13 and it was full of glitches, cheese, and bugs. 2K14 is still under the "current-gen" title on PC and nothing is different from the console counterparts. Supporting developers that abandon the PC platform and that don't listen to their paying customers is not the way to go. 2K was constantly being told by fans to bring back crew. What did they do? They renamed the online NBA blacktop to Crew and made it 3 v 3 on the blacktop... The computer defense in this game is beyond stupid. Your CPU teammate will literally walk away from a great shooter to help double one of the worst centers in the NBA or the CPU will slide over magically and block your shot. Speaking of blocking shots, half the time you perform a layup your ball goes towards the rim and magically slides over mid-air to which looks like a block but it doesn't even record it. We still have the same generic player-create faces too. There are several more things wrong with this copy and paste game, but I'll leave you a link and you can see all the people complaining through the comments or you can look it up yourself.